Driver Instructors
West County Transportation Agency has a staff of California State Certified School Bus Driver Instructors. In addition to providing training for own staff, we open our training classes and in-service classes for all school bus drivers. Our training program is innovative and effective. We boast an extremely low accident and incident ratio. School bus driving is considered a 200% job. Drivers must place 100% of their attention on safely maneuvering a 12-ton bus over busy urban streets and narrow rural lanes and are also expected to give 100% of their attention to the students they transport.
Here you will find Information and instructional materials to help school bus instructors in behind the wheel training, classroom training and office skills.
All instructional materials are in Adobe Acrobat (PDF) format. You will need a copy of Adobe Acrobat Reader to view and print these files.
Some of these links take you outside of this website to Google Drive where you can download these programs. Powerpoint programs were developed in Powerpoint 2010, handouts, and outlines are in pdf format.
Additional Resources
Teaching Games
Remote Training Resources
BTW Delegated Skill Tests and Assessments
These tests are to supplement the training given to an applicant by a California School Bus Driver Instructor in preparation for certification as a Delegate Behind the Wheel Instructor. Taking these tests does not guarantee an understanding of the material required to become a Delegate or of passing the certification process.
School Bus Drivers Classroom Study Guide
Reference material in the West County Transportation Agency School Bus Drivers Classroom Study Guide is derived from the Instructors Manual for California’s Bus Driver’s Training Course, California Vehicle Code Manual, California Highway Patrol Passenger Transportation Safety Handbook (82.7), California Code of Regulations, Federal Code of Regulations, California Drivers Handbook, California Commercial Drivers Handbook and resources from the World Wide Web.
This guide is specifically geared for the School Bus Driver.
This study guide is only as good as the instructor who uses it. If you have the skills and ability to update this guide when new laws are enacted or regulations change then you are welcomed to do so. I do update the guide prior to every class I teach however I cannot guarantee that I will upload the newer version. This guide is 589 pages long and may take time to download and print. Please contact me if you find any errors or if you have any suggestions to make to this study guide better.
Safety Topics
School Bus Drivers in California are required to have 10 hours of training every year to maintain their California Special Drivers Certificate. We have developed numerous in-service programs for our drivers to help them develop the skills and knowledge necessary to be successful in their career as a professional, caring school bus driver. The skills and knowledge necessary to be successful ranges from vehicle components, defensive driving techniques, emergency procedures, field trip requirements, pupil management tips, special education, student loading, unloading procedures and much, much more.
These links take you outside of this website to Google Drive where you can download these programs. Powerpoint programs were developed in Powerpoint 2010, handouts, outlines are in pdf format. "Coming soon" programs will be available as time allows. Please let me know if any programs are not working correctly currently I am having some problems with movies not working in the powerpoint presentations.
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