Employee Directory
Executive Director
Chad Barksdale - cbarksdale@schoolbusing.org 707-206-9988 x230
Business Manager
Diane Hughes - dhughes@schoolbusing.org 707-206-9988 x220
HR / Payroll Supervisor
Cristy Simmons - csimmons@schoolbusing.org 707-206-9988 x229
Account Technician
Carol Dewey - cdewey@schoolbusing.org 707-206-9988 x235
HR Recruitment & Retention / Operations Office Coordinator
Amanda O’Connor - aoconnor@schoolbusing.org 707-206-9988 x218
Operations Office Technician
Catherine Parsons - cparsons@schoolbusing.org 707-206-9988 x228
Transportation Supervisors
Keidi Noguchi - knoguchi@schoolbusing.org 707-206-9988 x216
Lori Morris - lmorris@schoolbusing.org 707-206-9988 x240
Supervisor of Transportation Operations and Safety
Carey Cox - ccox@schoolbusing.org 707-206-9988 x213
General Dispatch Line (rings at all dispatch desks) 707-206-9988 x219
Suriena Alcantar - salcantar@schoolbusing.org 707-206-9988 x237
Saira Gonzalez - sgonzalez@schoolbusing.org 707-206-9988 x234
Anthony Lapinski - alapinski@schoolbusing.org 707-206-9988 x233
Jina Niehuser - jniehuser@schoolbusing.org 707-206-9988 x226
Jeff Robenseifner - jrobenseifner@schoolbusing.org 707-206-9988 x232
Brigitte Roesner - broesner@schoolbusing.org 707-206-9988 x239
Driver Instructors:
Bryan Brooks - bbrooks@schoolbusing.org 707-206-9988 x238
Stefani Wright - swright@schoolbusing.org 707-206-9988 x227
Lyndsay - lboccaleoni@schoolbusing.org 707-206-9988 x246
Joanne Johnson - jjohnson@schoolbusing.org 707-206-9988 x214
Delegated Behind the Wheel Instructor
Julia Martinelli - jmartinelli@schoolbusing.org 707-206-9988 x801
Technology Support Specialist
Andrew Sanchez - asanchez@schoolbusing.org 707-206-9988 x225
Vehicle Maintenance and Facilities Manager
Kevin Rickert - krickert@schoolbusing.org 707-206-9988 x224
Vehicle Maintenance Office Technicians
Chelsea Bailiff - cbailiff@schoolbusing.org 707-206-9988 x223
Patrick Drauyawa - pdrauyawa@schoolbusing.org 707-206-9988 x236