Note to all California School Bus Driver Instructors

As a California School Bus Driver Instructors you are required to instruct directly out of the Instructors Manual for California’s Bus Driver’s Training Course. This study guide was not developed for an instructor to teach from but for a new and original applicant to have a guide that they can refer to and study from. This is in essence one large handout with reference material from the California Department of Education Instructors Manual for California’s Bus Driver’s Training Course, California Vehicle Code, California Code of Regulations, Federal Code of Regulations, California Educational Code, California Commercial Drivers Handbook, California Drivers Handbook and has supplemental material to help an applicant or driver understand the material more thoroughly.

This however does not relinquish your responsibility as a California School Bus Driver Instructor to teach all units of the Instructors Manual for California’s Bus Driver’s Training Course. You may refer to this study guide while you are instructing out of the Instructors Manual for California’s Bus Driver’s Training Course just as you would refer to a handout or other material that you may distribute in your class.  

These buttons below take you outside of this website to Google Drive where you can download the study guides. The guides are in pdf format.  Renewal Classroom Study Guide is being updated and will be available soon.