School Bus Roadeo
At the Roadeo, drivers compete against each other using their skills in precision driving and knowledge of laws. Each event is either timed or measured to determine the score. The events consist of an obstacle course which includes backing, parallel parking, right and left hand turns, student loading/unloading as well as written exams on laws and vehicle inspections. Many hours of practice are needed for perfection, to receive the maximum amount of points per event. Drivers spend many hours to reach a superior level of excellence. In most Companies and School Districts, the practice time is on a volunteer basis and uncompensated. Many hours are also put into detailing their buses for competition. Drivers wax the floors of their buses, polish interior ceilings, clean and polish tires. Exteriors waxed and every water spot removed.
Bus Safety Roadeos are organized and sponsored by C.A.S.T.O ....California Association of School Transportation Officials. Regional School Bus Safety Roadeos occur in many different locations and are coordinated by CASTO chapter representatives. State Roadeos are administered by the State Association and sponsored by the leaders in the school transportation industry. Two Sectional State Roadeos and a State Championship Roadeo are held each year.